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Single layer drying Solution helps the transformation & upgrading of products of sintered brick enterprises (Chapter 1)
As we all know, the number of fired brick and tile enterprises in China has decreased significantly, from more than 120000 in the mid-1990s when the number of fired brick and tile enterprises was the largest to more than 35000 now. Traditional fired brick and tile enterprises are facing serious challenges in the market. The transformation, upgrading and transformation of brick and tile products have become the trend of the times. The market demands to produce good products, high-quality products, and sintered wallboards required by the fabricated building market are also growing. To achieve this goal, in addition to raw material processing equipment, molding equipment, baking kiln and environmental protection treatment equipment, drying has become the main aspect of transformation and upgrading of brick and tile enterprises and product upgrading. The main reason for the success of brick and tile enterprises is drying, and the main failure reason is drying as well. On the premise that the raw materials meet the brick making performance, the single-layer drying technology will become the leading direction for the drying of fired bricks and tiles in the future, helping brick and tile enterprises to step up to a new level in product quality. (To be continued...)